James Dean: The Quest for an Oscar by James Turiello
“Once upon a time there was a girl with moonlight in her eyes, the breeze ruffled through her hair, but that was once upon a time, and once upon a time never comes again.” A few poignant words from a special song but if you let your imagination run wild that girl can only be Marilyn. A picture is worth a thousand words, but in the case of Marilyn Monroe it is even more so. Each and every photograph or piece of artwork depicting her image is truly unrivaled in its beauty. The movies Marilyn starred in are all unique, simply because she was part of the cast. From her first image on the big screen as a mere walk on extra, to the last image she gave us from her unreleased movie, Marilyn’s image radiated and glowed. This book will take you on a special journey along with Marilyn as she always gave 100% to her legions of fans, all the while without knowing how great a movie star she truly was.